Our Blog

What's Your Textured Hair Type?
Kinky, curly, wavy? What's your textured hair type? See which hair type you have, and the products that work best on your hair.
What's Your Textured Hair Type?
Kinky, curly, wavy? What's your textured hair type? See which hair type you have, and the products that work best on your hair.

10 Hair Growth Hacks for Luxurious Locks
Follow these 10 hair growth hacks for luxurious locks. You won't believe how well they work!
10 Hair Growth Hacks for Luxurious Locks
Follow these 10 hair growth hacks for luxurious locks. You won't believe how well they work!

Why Your Hair Texture is Changing
There are lots of reasons why your hair texture is changing, and we will explore why, along with the best treatments for your changing hair. Has your hair been looking...
Why Your Hair Texture is Changing
There are lots of reasons why your hair texture is changing, and we will explore why, along with the best treatments for your changing hair. Has your hair been looking...

Textured Hair Care Tips for Spring
Spring brings warmer weather and more humidity. That means it's time to follow these textured hair care tips for spring to keep your mane looking fab.
Textured Hair Care Tips for Spring
Spring brings warmer weather and more humidity. That means it's time to follow these textured hair care tips for spring to keep your mane looking fab.

Nickie Nou's Empowering Journey to Hair Freedom
Founder of Curls Dynasty, Nickie Nou, shares her empowering journey to hair freedom. Here’s how she went natural and helped thousands of women do the same.
Nickie Nou's Empowering Journey to Hair Freedom
Founder of Curls Dynasty, Nickie Nou, shares her empowering journey to hair freedom. Here’s how she went natural and helped thousands of women do the same.

3 Simple and Elegant Hairstyles to Slay
There are probably numerous events going on around you. Dinners and parties here and there, which are organized by family and friends to celebrate the holidays. But then you don’t...
3 Simple and Elegant Hairstyles to Slay
There are probably numerous events going on around you. Dinners and parties here and there, which are organized by family and friends to celebrate the holidays. But then you don’t...